Thursday, December 18, 2014


• I Create Original Art
   I used my own unique ideas in my artwork by using newspaper articles, pictures, fabric, letters and ribbon. I started out by covering my canvas with red orange and yellow tissue paper then coverin it with random pieces of newspaper and some pictures. Then I added an American flag and pieces of ribbon and a piece of fabric. I did use a source of inspiration because my dads a fireman and he had a lot of newspaper articles and pictures and pieces of things. That I combined all together to make a collage. 
• I Developed my Art Making Skills
         I did learn new techniques or processes as part of the work for this project because I never have really done a collage. I used paint on top of the newspaper articles. I used red orange and yellow tissue paper under the newspaper articles. I also used pieces red magazine pieces and white pieces of magazines to make an american flag. Then I used pieces of blue tissue paper to make the blue part of the American flag and I cut out some stars. Then I cut out random pieces of orange ribbon and placed them randomly. Since this was my first time making a collage I didn't know how it would turn out or if I would like making a collage, but this has been my favorite project so far.
• I Communicate Through my Work
       This artwork is intended to say like without fear there cannot be courage. The issues I am examining through my artwork is how firemen have to have courage to be able to do there job. This art work is about who I am because the fire department is all I've ever known. I practically grew up at the fire station. This artwork is about what I like because since I grew up going to the firestation every day my dad worked I grew up liking that kind of stuff. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


          For the collage project we started out by making two mini collages and we had a list of themes to choose from. For my first mini collage I choose the theme of "take a phrase from a favorite song and create a page around it." I choose to use the song you are my sunshine and I started out by using outlining and drawing the shape I wanted for the sun and then covered that entire area with yellow red and orange tissue paper then I used yellow ribbon and wrote the words. This has been my favorite project so far this year. For the second mini project I didn't really choose a theme so I just covered my entire page in different shades of pink and purple tissue paper and I also added wallpaper and ribbons. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Close-up abstract football

• I create original art
    I thought creatively during this art project because I used my own pictures. I also developed my own original ideas because I took five pictures of a football I had at my house. I used my own unique ideas in my work by using my own pictures and zooming in on them. I did use a source of inspiration for this project because my brother plays football. I also took my own pictures. Then cropped the pictures after I took them. 

• I developed my art making skills
   I learned techniques and processes as part of this project because I drew the main outline then I drew all the little circles to add texture under the brown color. For this project we had a choice of either colored pencil, chalk, and or piled pastels. I choose colored pencils. I did learn new techniques or processes as part of the work for this project by taking my time drawing all the little circles and mixing the colors together to make a perfect brown shade. 

• I take risks
    For this project I did try something that I wasn't sure about for this project. I was not sure about the little circles and if they would show up or how they would look. I did pick a material or technique that was new or different over something that was familiar because usually when I draw I do not draw a lot of details. Since this project was so close up I had to draw a lot of detail in order to be able to tell what the object in my drawing was.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Clay 2014

• I developed art making skills
   For the clay project we had to make a good and each table had a different theme. My tables theme was dessert. For the theme of dessert I choose to do a cupcake. We had to make the food item out of clay. This was my first time using clay. I did gain skill in this art making skills because I have never used clay before, and so now I know how to use clay.

•I create original art
   I used my own unique ideas in my work because I created the cupcake myself. I also decided to paint my cupcake pink for the frosting ,and for the bottom I painted it brown for the wrapper. I found a picture on Google and tried to recreate that image out of clay. I then combined it with my own ideas because there was part of the cake showing I just painted all of the frosting and nothing showing under neath it. 
• I take risks
I did try something I was not sure about because I had to learn how to paint all the little details and add the value on the cupcake. I did pick a material that was new or different because for this project we had to use clay, and I have never used clay be for so it was fairly difficult for me to figure out how to form the cupcake and all the little details. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I'm •Jolly Rancher- Oil pastels 
For the jolly rancher drawing I got a red jolly rancher, and I had to add value and color my drawing with oil pastels. I started out by outlining my drawing in pencil. Then I added a light shade of red on the whole drawing. Then started out adding a darker shades, then getting lighter and lighter. Then I traced the letters onto the candy colored them in white then added blue around the letters. The wrapper was a deep yellow color so I started out by adding yellow, then orange then yellow again and mixing the colors together as I added the yellow. This media was my second favorite to use it was not as messy as the chalk but not as fine as the colored pencil.
•Peppermint- Chalk 
For the peppermint drawing I had to add value and color my drawing with chalk. I started out by outlining my drawing in pencil. Then I added the white stripes on the peppermint. Then added the red stripes on the peppermint. The wrapper was clear so I had to use white and add value where the wrapper was folded. This media was my least favorite because it was so messy, and it got everywhere. 
•Dum-dum- Colored Pencil 
For the dum dum drawing I had to add value and color my drawing with colored pencil. I started out by outlining my drawing in pencil. Then I added a light shade of white. Then I outlined my worlds and details on the wrapper. Then added diffrent shades of blue and black where the wrapper was folded. The media was my favorite to use because it was so fine and thin and it wasn't as messy as the chalk or pastels. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Blog Post Two 2014

•Create Original Art-
I used creative thinking by choosing to paint a close up of a guitar and have the guitar half on the canvas. I used my own unique ideas in my work because I choose what colors to use. I also choose where to place the guitar on the page. I did use a source of inspiration for this piece of artwork. I found a picture on pintrest of a close up of a guitar ,but it was painted like a normal guitar like different shades of brown. I combined it with my own ideas by changing the background color to red the guitar to blue the strings to red ,and I also added yellow and light blue for some of the smaller details. 
This is a picture of my final painting as you can see I choose to change the black to yellow and some of the red to yellow. You can also see in this picture how simple the drawing was and how the colors compliment each other and how bold the colors are. It really makes everything stand out when the colors are so bold and are compliments of each other or are a shade of the same color. 
As I was working on my painting I planned it out by doing two sketches. I had one sketch of the close up of the top of the guitar with yellow and blue. Another sketch of a close up of the main part of the guitar. I ended up choosing the second sketch with the close up of the guitar body. I mainly followed that sketch besides when I got it on the canvas I decided not to use black for the hole ,but yellow. I also decided to use yellow for the strong holes. I tried it on my paper in my sketch book before I put it on the canvas. I also tested all of the colors on my sketch book paper before I used them on my canvas. 
This is a picture of my sketches I drew in my sketchbook. On the left is the drawing of the close up of the top of the guitar with blue and red. On the right is the sketch of the close up of the body of the guitar with red, blue, light blue ,and black.
•Take Risks-
I have never really liked painting so for this project I had a lot of complications.I did try something that I wasn't sure about as part of this project. I did not know know how the colors would look like together or how they would look on the canvas so I tested everything on my sketchbook paper before I put it on the canvas. I also drew lightly where everything would be on my canvas. I was supposed to use paint for this project. So yes I did choose a media I am not used to because if I got to choose I would not have choose paint. For this project we had to paint in the style are artists would have. My artist was Andy Warhol and he choose simple objects to paint and he choose solid colors and opposite colors so that is what I did by using the red, blue, yellow, and light blue. 
This is a picture of Andy Warhol. Andy Warhol was a part of the pop art movement that emerged in the late 1950's in the United States it started earlier in Britain. The concepts of pop art refers not as much to the art itself as to the attitudes that led to it. Andy Warhol was born in August on the sixth in 1928. He died on Febuary twenty second 1987. He was born in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. 
This is a picture of the painting "Marilyn Monroe" done by Andy Warhol in 1962. You can see in this picture how simple the drawing is. You can also see how he use basic colors and used opposite colors. He also painted several other painting like this one of Marilyn ,but of other famous people such as the "Double Elvis" Andy Warhol also painted the cambells soup can. He used the same simple drawing technique and the same bold colors with thier compliments. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Blog Post One 2014

 • I developed art making skills I have never been good at perspective drawings. As I took my time I was able to figure out the exact place the lines were supposed to be. I learned new techniques because I got to practice coloring with the value and shading. I did gain skill with a familiar material because colored pencil is my favorite media to use, but before I never added value to my colored pencil drawings.
• I did try something that I was unsure of. I wasn't sure how the sunset reflected in the water would look like so I wasn't going to do that part, but I decided to experiment with it. I did pick a technique that was new because I have never really mixed colors together with colored pencil to get different colors, but I tried it and it worked. I also wasn't sure about the value because I never done that before.
• I used my own unique ideas in my work becaus I added the sunset reflecting into the water. I did use a source of inspiration for this project I had three pictures on pintrest I found. One was a plain dock one had trees one had a sunset. I then combined the plain dock with the sunset and added the blue water and I  combined all of that together to make it original.